Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Distortion vs Overdrive

Are you dissatisfied with your guitar tone? Does your amp not sound very good? Do you not have the budget to buy a better amp? You may be in the market for an effects pedal. What kind of pedal? Depending on what you're looking for, either a distortion or an overdrive.

Distortion and overdrive are two similar but different types of pedals. A distortion pedal ranges from light and crunchy to heavy and metallic. Famous examples would be the Boss DS-1 Distortion, the Pro Co Rat, the MXR Distortion +, and the much derided yet still popular Boss MT-2 Metal Zone. A distortion pedal by definition clips the signal of the guitar before it gets to the amp. That clipping creates the guitar sound we know of as distortion. Distortion pedals are meant to sound like a high gain amplifier, but in a box. Distortion pedals work best in front of a clean amplifier, and they will sound the same at low volumes and at higher volumes. However Randy Rhoads has used his MXR Distortion + as a clean boost, more like an overdrive. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWLAPSB9MAM

On the other hand there are overdrive pedals. Overdrive pedals have two functions, to provide a boost in volume and gain. The most famous and popular overdrive pedals include the Ibanez TS-808 and TS9 Tube Screamers, the DOD 250, the Fulltone OCD, and the Boss SD-1 Super Overdrive and BD-2 Blues Driver. Overdrive pedals usually only have three controls, gain/drive, tone, and level/volume. An overdrive pedal can push a clean amp into breakup or crunch, and boost the volume and/or gain of an already dirty amp. Overdrive pedals are more transparent and don't colour your tone nearly as much as distortion pedals due to having less gain. Overdrive pedals work exceptionally well with tube amps, creating a creamy, bluesy crunch in front of a Fender Twin reverb and pushing a Marshall Plexi or JCM 800 into some serious lead tones. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-ssot8PSRI

So which would I recommend? I would recommend a distortion pedal for those who want to change their tone entirely, but it won't sound as good as a great tube amp. I would recommend an overdrive pedal to take their current tones the extra mile. Whatever you do though, don't put a Metalzone in front of a good high gain amp. It will only make a mess. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYtXBUS_kwY

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Post band breakup syndrome

I haven't posted in ages, but I decided to change the title of my blog in light of past events. Also, the persona of Wesley Rose, the whiskey and beer swilling rocker has died along with the old band. I'll be honest, I prefer it that way.
I didn't want to join a band for the booze or the groupies. I didn't even want to touch drugs, or cigarettes for that matter. My time away from the old band was spent mostly working, but also finding myself. In fact a new band, the Aaron Vincent band, rose from the ashes of Whiskey Rose, and despite too much down time, we've been going strong ever since!
In that time, I have learned to embrace my inner geek as well. I realized that no matter what my rock star persona was, I was still just a nice, "normal" geek who just wanted to hang with his friends, watch movies, play video games, and discuss the facts of life. I even became a workaholic, which nearly destroyed my social life and band life, but at least I was getting paid right?
Honestly there was a long time when I haven't seen any shows or even listened to a lot of rock music. I started to become disillusioned with the whole music scene in which I was once part of the family. I once thought that everyone came to shows because they cared about the music and wanted to meet others who care about music. After a while though, I saw the whole scene in a different light; everyone appeared to be immature, drunken, drugged up, sex addicted scumbags who listened to noise and judged others for political or religious beliefs or for being educated or well off, and I din't fit in. Now I'm no bible thumping prude, but most of my "real" friends are some denomination of Christian and have graduated high school or were in University, so they'd probably get beat up if they came to any of the shows I've played. 
I think I have finally come to terms with that part of me though. I still want to go back to seeing shows and playing gigs as often as I can. I still live for the stage, and I still love rock and roll! The best thing though, is the fact that I could go on stage completely sober and still have the time of my life! That said I would like to g start playing more hard rock again, but I can't complain. As for Whiskey Rose, I wish the former members all the best and have no ill will left towards them.